I am currently undertaking a 14 day intensive Shamanic Breathwork Level 1 training with the amazing Linda Starwolf and her team from Venus Rising. Holy Heck! What a drop in! I was feeling it before we even had the opening ceremony on Tuesday morning here in Australia.
I am diving deep into the 5 Cycles of Shamanic Consciousness as an Alchemical map for conscious change. We have been initated into the Water and Earth cycles so far including the Spiral path and Family of Origin work. Today we started our Fire cycle with shadow work.
It was December 2023 that I first had a download from the great all that is, to ‘find my shamanic teacher.’ I found my way to Star Wolf from there initially, through a fellow Wolf Clan sister Patricia Silverwolf on the Gold Coast. I was booked to undertake this training late last year however the stars did not align and the course did not go ahead at that time. I see now that I was perhaps not ready at that point. I instead ended up in Bali where, as most of you know, I studied Yin Breathwork with Daniel Coates (Suntara.) On that trip I met another Wolf Clan brother called Ash Bear Wolf, who was on retreat with me learning Yin Breathwork! You can’t make this shit up! I knew that one day I going to walk this path too. Interestingly, Daniel Coates was taught by a man called Leonard Orr (The Founder of Yin Breathwork and rebirthing) and Linda Star Wolf and Leonard where real life friends back in the day! The universe guides us in so many fun and magical ways. The more and more I open myself and surrender the more my life aligns with who I am mean to be.
As I entered this container I had a lot of grief and regret come up. The Shamanic way talks a lot about birth and death and rebirth. I believe as I was coming into this container I was coming through the birth canal again for another rebirth. I experienced a huge amount of grief and sadness and some regret. Grief and sadness perhaps for the old life I am leaving behind. Regret for not following the path and my intuition earlier…but I also know that it is all perfect and I am perfectly where I am meant to be.
One of the things that has come up for me in the past, especially with all the young, beautiful people in my Instagram feed, is that I am too old to be doing this work and sometimes asking myself what use am I? Well let me tell you, the team Linda Star Wolf has gathered around her are all older women. Older even than me and Man do they hold a powerful space! It’s blowing my mind! Modern, Western Society often does not value the wisdom of elders. This beautiful group and container I am in has brought home to me how important I can still be in the world as I walk this path even as a 51 year old women!
Can’t wait to bring you these teachings as I continue to walk my path!
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